👾 welcome to cyber arcade 🕹ī¸

Welcome to Cyber Arcade!

🚧 Under Construction 🚧

Welcome to my digital realm, a fusion of nostalgia, dreams, and videogames! 🕹ī¸đŸĒ My name is Jose Maria, this website is dedicated to crafting memorable experiences through the art of storytelling, games, and design. 👾🌠

There are many features I want to add to the website, but I am taking my time with it; so the updates might not be consitent every month.

I love SNES RPGs like FFVI and Chrono Trigger, and then I played online MMOs such as FFXI, I've always been captivated by the magic of digital worlds. As a game developer, my work is a tribute to the games that shaped my childhood and inspired my love for game development. 🕹ī¸âœ¨

In 2019 a friend and I created our first game and opened a game studio so we could publish it ourselves. It is a game about a longboarding raccoon with a dream. I like experiences that transport players to nostalgic worlds. I want to recreate the feel that old games had when I played them in 1999. I hope to keep creating games that are played and remembered for a long time. 👾🎮

Beyond just creating fun games; I believe in the power of storytelling, monumentality, and art to shape culture and identity. I want to eventually create more than just games that inspire others to think creatively and differently about the world. 🌎🔍

It is important to me to retain the legacy of classic games and the communities that formed around them. That's why I created this website as a tribute to the old Geocities sites, shrines, and web rings that helped shape the internet of the past. 🌐📟

The journey continues, I would love to someday plan out long-term future in Japan, I'm excited to explore more intently other cultures as well as different art and continue building the next internet. I'm honored to have you along for the ride. Thank you for visiting Cyber Arcade. 🚀🌸